Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The health risks of gardening

Our lawn has slowly turned to a big patch of mud over this wet wet winter. We open the back door for our Christy and she charges to the back of the garden to look for foxes, squirrels and birds that she has been watching from indoors. When she gets to the back of the lawn she prances back and forth neck craning, tail wagging. SO! On Saturday I got out the pitch fork and poked a million holes all over the garden, poke poke poke in a long row and then KICK the fork back to the beginning...poke poke poke, that and using the strength of my leg to move the heavy bags of sharp sand which I mixed with soil to spread over the holes, along with loads of grass seed. Brush brush brushed it all in and then put up a barrier to stop the Charge down to the end of the garden. Then, Sunday night I was in AGONY! my groin, i couldn't lift my leg, couldn't sit up or down...I was blubbering - Imagine if I was a cripple forEVER? Jeff took me to hospital as I couldn't sleep and was worrying about what I had done! at 2.30 the doctor finally sore me said I had strained my tendon and gave me super duper strong pain killers...I had one ( I like to know feel what is going on, it hurts for a reason, so I generally am anti pain killers). Next morning I was fasting for a blood test, I managed to manouver myself into the car and get to the Doctors surgery. After the blood was taken I promptly feinted in the waiting room! arrgh, I couldn't move, my head was spaced out...not feeling good, so slept all day. Then...today...

I went to our Osteopath, he has fixed my leg!!! he is a genius, so gifted. I could not believe how well he knew what was happening and how quickly he got that muscle working again. I am in awe, I bounced out of that place! A MILLION times more thankful for my health, my strong beautiful body, my ability...what a great experience. And as a few have said, its the beginning of getting old....must take care, must take care, must be healthy, must look after myself...


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