Taking it Easy
This week my little ones have been away on a camp with the Woodcraft Folk - having a brilliant time, caving, kyaking, canoeing etc. It hasn't been the driest week, so I hope they have been warm...hehe typical mother worry. Late at night I think about them and hope they are OK, sleeping out under the stars in a beautiful valley 3 hours away, in Wales. O called and told me he cried one night because he needed a cuddle from Mum...awwww, that made me feel good and sad all at once.
So, I have been taking it easy this week. Really on a Gooo Slowwww, you know - getting up late, drinking tea and looking at the sky... This morning I took my beautiful dog with her amazing tail for a walk and because we have had so much rain in May, the forest is LUUUUSH. It was so nice to move my body I have been hunched over books and computer so much lately. Feels good, and headache is slowly disapting...
WOW! it's SO brown here. we have had ONE rain, in April, and that's it for spring. scarey fire warnings now... so nice to see another part of the world where it's wet and lush and lovely.
so glad to hear you've had some down time and i'm keen to hear how the boys did!
love reading you...
wondering how you're doing? in need of an update! altho these photos are divine!
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