Sunday, January 29, 2006

Angels Abound

My morning pages (5/7) were looking alot like the previous post - all about what I needed to do, what was going on, the juggling and the overwhelm - breakdown. This past week I have had a big breakthrough in dealing with my marriage and myself - this is very apt: "Take your life in your own hands and what happens? A terrible thing: noone to blame!" (Erica Long) I haven't wanted to be responsible... And of course always out the otherside of the breakthrough process we feel great! so yay! I have been having dreams, I have been having creative ideas, I've been powerful in handling my commitements.

I prayed this week for the first time in years, it felt great, a big sense of relief & letting go, giving up having to work so hard to make everything good - Just Let It Be (ok, this is weird, I am listening to Madonnas latest and as I type Just Let It Be she is singing it!!?!?). So, I will be keeping that up and being careful what I ask for! "Desire, ask, believe, receive." Stella Terrill Mann (wow that name has a lot of doubles). I was surprised at how easily I gave it up and had faith that God would take care of me.

Today my Artists Date was combined with taking my artist for a walk. We walked through the forest noticing the detail "The capacity for delight is the gift for paying attention", then randomly I decided we'd walked back through an old graveyard. Its been a long time since I walked through a graveyard and the first time in this old country and I was admiring the beautiful headstones, Celtic Crosses and Angels being what impressed me most.
What I am finding is that each week I am really living the Artist Way, each week there are some things that I just don't relate to "crazymakers!?" but in week 2 it was the Going Sane (when I was feeling insane) & the Attention (when I was noticing that I rush so much in life I don't have time to get present to people around me let alone pay attention to things!). Last week Recovering a Sense of Power, is totally what I experienced. My previous blog entry is me totally powerless, overwhelmed & when I opened to Week 3 & read Recovering a Sense of Power I thought Yes! Then read about the anger - well someone who is feeling powerless and frustrated is certainly present to anger...Then prayer and synchronicity! Wow - let me just say I am LOVING this...growth!

One night through the week I watched the Horizon program on "Intelligent Design" & how this scientific theory proves there is a God - the randomness of Evolution just doesn't occur - I noticed how it was in line with week 3. Also interesting that when I do the excercise of drawing a pie and noticing the imbalance, my least nurtured area of life was my spirituality...this week is changing that.

And so of course, just now when I look at this week...Recovering a Sense of Integrity. This is just too good to be true! My big breakthrough in my life last week was around my Integrity - or major lack of!?! I had coaching on Wednesday night from the leader of the Relationship Seminar I am doing - very very insightful and I am excited to see what is instore for this week!

So, I created my first artwork this week. I had this 'aha' moment - I had been thinking about how I could ever find time to make art and then I thought I could visually express what I get out of each week doing the Artists Way, I could do this on Sunday evenings with my children - when they are doing their creative journalling - we pull out all the paints & inks and fun stuff. Oh yes! So, this is what I did this week:

I loved Cats Prayer so much I used it - do hope she doesn't mind...
Saturday I did a day course on goal setting, very fitting for what we are doing on this course also, thinking about what we want for ourselves, writing lists of dreams etc.
My imaginery lives:
High School Art Teacher
Life Coach
Scuba Diving Instructor
Adventure Travel Guide
Personal Fitness Instructor
Professional Traveller!?
Organic farmer
Travel Writer
Wildlife Photographer
Second Hand Bookshop Owner
Antique Fair Dealer
Jewellery Maker
oh what fun and joy!


Blogger Tinker said...

This post really resonated for me - I love your creative art journal page.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful post!

I remember reading an essay by Robert Fulghum about his decision to buy his grave site now so he could go sit on it and remind himself of the things that are really important in life.

Thanks for sharing!

2:16 PM  
Blogger GreenishLady said...

It is so wonderful to see you having used the process and come to this place... wow! - And your pictures really caught my attention. The Celtic Crosses - on Wednesday last (1st February, Brigid's Day), I heard an account of the pre-Christian origin of the symbol - From the four points of the compass, four Goddesses are called in ritual, to the centre (forming the cross) and the circle representing of course, the whole, the complete all, the cycle of the world. Thank you

2:30 PM  
Blogger GreenishLady said...

Oh... and the coffee-cup ring on your prayer? - Life, in all its glory! - I love that.

2:30 PM  
Blogger new rhodes said...

Wow, I love your comments. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Yes, I remebering reading about the crosses - love that too! It was a great week - & I'm really enjoying recording it in blogland. I'm not really one for looking back in life but I think I will enjoy looking back on this journey.

11:20 PM  
Blogger Jana B said...

The graveyard looks so beautiful... I ended up at one during my first Artist Date. I love the peace and calm you find in graveyards... I always sit and wonder about the lives each person lived.

The quote from Erica Long is very good and very true... it's hard to take responsibility for your life, to face the blame of your mistakes... but I'm sure end the end it will be 200% worth it! :)

4:52 PM  

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