Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Oscar and Me

Class out the front of the Royal Academy of Art with rear end of monstrous sheet metal tyranosaurous

Oscar is home educating now. I had a talk with the head teacher on Monday. He is very supportive!! At this point, we are working towards getting Oscar confident with writing and reading, so that he doesn't feel like he is the dumbest in the class. And the plan is build his confidence so that he can rejoin the school in September - with one of the best teachers at the school. Really though, we are just going to play and play.
Playing in Green Park (right near Buckingham Palace)

Yesterday we went with the school to the Royal Academy and saw a lovely exhibition on the drawings of Monet - not those wishy washy gardens of his. But incredible illustrations, caricatures (the funnest) and seaside landscapes with pastel. It was Oscars last day at school - what a great memory of his class and teacher.


I am becoming an Ebay junkie...

Don't tell the boys, but I am bidding on hatching eggs...and incubator and hen house. Jeff approves!! Oscar talks of nothing else... I'm so excited!!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Taking it Easy

This week my little ones have been away on a camp with the Woodcraft Folk - having a brilliant time, caving, kyaking, canoeing etc. It hasn't been the driest week, so I hope they have been warm...hehe typical mother worry. Late at night I think about them and hope they are OK, sleeping out under the stars in a beautiful valley 3 hours away, in Wales. O called and told me he cried one night because he needed a cuddle from Mum...awwww, that made me feel good and sad all at once.

So, I have been taking it easy this week. Really on a Gooo Slowwww, you know - getting up late, drinking tea and looking at the sky... This morning I took my beautiful dog with her amazing tail for a walk and because we have had so much rain in May, the forest is LUUUUSH. It was so nice to move my body I have been hunched over books and computer so much lately. Feels good, and headache is slowly disapting...


Did you see the blue moon last night? Wasn't it beautiful!?

aaah, I looked out my window and thought "give me strength" you beautiful symbol of woman. Is there a word for women that isn't patriarchal?
I have been deeply struggling this week. It is hard being a woman sometimes.
Why is that if a couple split up many people will blame the woman? She must not have been good to the man, or she must be too hysterical for him, or she has him on a tight leash, or whatever. And then the woman is left with their children, she struggles, she gets a break from them once every 2 weeks, she worries about how they will turn out, she works hard and then comes home and does the unpaid work. While he gets to avoid the responsibility of being a full-time father. I know so many single Mums who live like this. Why do men think they don't have to put in effort - hard work to make things work. Making sacrifices, making changes - being responsible.

Right now, I need some strength. I need to be able to be a strong woman for myself and for my children. I will do everything in my power to make things work, but I can't make him want the same. Despite my continuing nausea and throbbing migraine...Thank you beautiful Moon, for giving me this strength last night.